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AMS Properties Ltd, a pioneer in the property industry has been developing properties for almost two decades now.

The brand has a reputation for investment integrity, quality finishes and on time delivery.

With a proven track record of over 8,000,000 sq.ft. built up area being delivered and having attained several international property awards, the AMS brand is well respected in the market and is now a Superbrand.

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AMS Property LTD
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MyTown Karen

Mytown Karen project is a concept that is being done in partnership with Myspace Properties and AMS Properties, the two companies have over 40 years’ experience in property development. https://www.myspace.co.ke/ and https://amsproperties.com/ This proposal advocates for small commercials spaces with one anchor shop. It’s obvious as we evolve to online shopping; clients still prefer to go to the shops themselves to purchase some types of goods and services such as groceries and ice cream bars. This type of businesses does not require a lot of space, therefore this proposal aims to house such business as tenants.

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